Beat the Heat: Essential Hyperthermia Recognition for EMTs

Hyperthermia: Quick Review for EMTs

It’s starting to warm up out there. So, let’s quickly go over hyperthermia – a condition we encounter often, especially during summer. Remember, early recognition and intervention are crucial, so keep these key points in mind:

Think “Hot & Bothered”

  • Hot: The patient’s skin will be hot and dry to the touch. This is because their body has stopped sweating effectively, a major red flag. 
  • Bothered: Look for signs of altered mental status. This could be anything from confusion and disorientation to dizziness, fainting, and even seizures in severe cases. 

Remember the 3 D’s:

  • Delirium: Is the patient confused, disoriented, or having trouble thinking clearly?
  • Dizziness: Are they feeling lightheaded, unsteady, or at risk of fainting?
  • Dry Skin: Is their skin hot and dry, with no sweating despite the heat?

If you encounter these signs, act fast!

Move the patient to a cool environment. A shaded or air-conditioned space is ideal.

Remove excess clothing.

Cool the patient down with cool water, wet towels, or ice packs, focusing on high heat-loss areas like the neck, armpits, and groin.

Monitor vital signs and be prepared to provide further medical care as needed.

Remember, hyperthermia can quickly escalate to heat stroke, a life-threatening condition. Stay vigilant and be prepared to act promptly to ensure the best possible outcome for your patients.

I hope this helps. Try to keep these key elements in mind come exam day. Recalling things like Hot & Bothered or the 3 D’s can mean an easy question in your pocket.

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