The Littlest Patients: Navigating Pediatric Calls in EMS

Pediatric calls are among the most challenging and emotionally charged situations that EMS professionals face. Children make up a significant portion of EMS patients, with studies showing that they account for approximately 5-10% of all EMS calls. These emergencies can range from respiratory distress and febrile seizures to traumatic injuries and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

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Pre-Reading: Your Secret Weapon in EMS Education

Pre-reading is when you take a quick peek at what you're going to learn before you really dive into it. It's like looking at a map before going on a long trip. You don't have to do it every day, but it's super useful, especially before tackling a tough chapter or planning your week.

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From NREMT to Real-World: The Never-Ending EMS Learning Curve

Have you passed your latest exams, including the NREMT. ? That's a huge achievement, and you should be incredibly proud of yourselves. But, I'm here to gently remind you that this isn't the finish line – it's just the starting point.

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Shake Up Your Study Routine: The Power of Mixed-Up Words!

When you're starting to learn something new, like a chapter in a book, here's a fun and easy way to do it. First, take a quick look through the chapter. Look for bold words and important sentences, and just get a feel for what it's all about.

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