The EMS Study Hack You Need: Pre-Testing for Maximum Retention

The Secret to Acing Your EMS Exams: Test Yourself First!

Did you know that one of the best ways to get great grades isn’t just studying a lot? It’s actually testing yourself before you even start learning! 

Scientists who study how we learn have found something super cool. When you test yourself on something before you learn it, you remember it better later. This is way more effective than just reading your notes over and over or highlighting stuff in your textbook. 

Here’s a fun fact: students who try answering questions about a topic before they study it do way better on tests than those who don’t, even if they study for a longer time!

And guess what? It’s totally okay if you get most of the questions wrong at first. For example, if you try 20 questions and get 19 of them wrong, you can still do really well on your exam later. 

Of course, you still need to study the material after you try those questions. That’s the key! But before you dive into a topic, try answering about 15 to 20 multiple-choice questions.

This helps you figure out what you already know and what parts you need to focus on more. 

So, start with some practice questions next time you’re getting ready to study for your EMS exams, a Re-cert or even just diving deeper into a topic.

It can be a fun and fast way to see what you know and find out what you need to learn more about. 

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