Pre-Reading: Your Secret Weapon in EMS Education

The Superpower of Pre-Reading for EMS Professionals

I want to show you something super helpful called pre-reading. It’s like having a secret tool in your EMS study kit. 

Pre-reading is when you take a quick peek at what you’re going to learn before you really dive into it. It’s like looking at a map before going on a long trip. You don’t have to do it every day, but it’s super useful, especially before tackling a tough chapter or planning your week. 

Here’s a great way to pre-read: Pick one day a week, maybe a Sunday or Monday, and spend about 30 to 40 minutes just getting a sneak peek of what you’ll be learning. Skim through the chapters, watch a short 5-minute video, or read a little about the main ideas. It’s not hard, and it’s kind of like a warm-up exercise for your brain! 

Think of your mind like a bucket. If there are holes in the bucket, water will leak out, right? Well, pre-reading helps fill those holes. It lays a strong base so that when you pour new knowledge into your brain bucket, it stays there! 

Instead of using your Sunday night to catch up on last week’s stuff, try using that time to pre-read for the upcoming week. It might seem like you’re not catching up at first, but you’ll be in such a great position for the new week that you’ll end up saving time later. Plus, when you finally sit down to study, you’ll feel more relaxed, less overwhelmed, and remember things way faster. 

School doesn’t always teach us this cool trick of creating a good mental model of a chapter before we start. But the best part is, once you’ve done these pre-reading steps, your foundation for learning is set, and you’ll be way better at understanding and remembering all the EMS content you need to know. 

So, give pre-reading a try, and let me know how it goes. I would love to hear how it boosts your study sessions.

🚑 Be Better At EMS  🚑


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