Clearing the Air: A Beginner’s Guide to Ventilation and Respiration in EMS

Let's dive into something super important for your exams and out in the field: understanding the difference between ventilation and respiration. It's like knowing the difference between driving a car and the engine actually working. Here's the lowdown:

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The Top Must-Do Self-Care Strategies for Every EMS Professional

Being an EMS professional is a super important job, but it can also be really tough sometimes. We work long hours and see lots of intense things. So, it's really important for us to take care of ourselves to stay healthy and happy. Here's a checklist to help you remember how to keep feeling good:

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Does The Ultimate Sacrifice Truly Go Unnoticed?

“Was their sacrifice truly unnoticed?” Take one EMS member David Marc Sullins. David was an EMT with Cabrini Medical Center who was working a double shift when the first plane hit and without thought for his own safety he raced to the scene - his peers noticed.

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EMS A-Z Series | “A” – How your attitude can affect you, your patients and your care.

The EMS Attitude. Your attitude on the job can make a world of difference. Having a bad one will reflect on you, your partner, the patients or families you deal with and ultimately your patient care.

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